Decided to do some exercises since I am beginning to work on my portfolio. None of these will make the cut, they are just good practice. Haven't worked with Pen and Ink in quite a long time. Good to be using a brush instead of a mouse.
Here in the witness protection program, you rarely lay down sod or plant grass. The Tucson alternative to soft green grass is rock, colored pea stone. I decided to take my rock to a slightly higher level. So here is a rock snake, a Mommy lizard and a baby lizard that reside just outside my house. It is better than raking the dirt, believe it or not some people do that out here.
Completed a study of a Gil Elvgren painting for my daughter, Niki. I will probably do more. It has been a long time since I have copied someone's technique; very interesting exercise as always. Will be painting it up in the coming weeks, building my painting portfolio.
Wow, I even wrote actionscript for this page on my website and it actually worked. Now you can e-mail me, go to my Facebook page and become my friend, and even "Leave a Blurb". WOOO-frickidy-HOOO.
The Horrendous Fiasco website is finally up. Dec 9th to be exact. It is not yet finished and I am still trudging along trying to find the time to work on the other pages, but it is running. Many thanks to Mike Parker who helped get this site up and for his expertise in making this "flash" site run so well. Thanks to my very talented friend, Jim May who provided so many of the soundtracks for the site, several that will see the light of day soon. And thanks to Tom de Boor and Donna Grillo who proofread the text so I do not look like a moron. Updates to the site are in the works and will hopefully be a part of the experience soon. Oh and my friend Sue just got a role as a mosquito for Disney Playhouse. That's also good.